At the law office of Antoan Whidbee, we have ten years of experience in handling cases in Johnston County relating to criminal law. We pride ourselves in being faithful to our clients in explaining to you what the process is that you are about to undertake and what you can expect from it. We believe that there are 2 things that set us apart from other offices: First, our ability to explain if a real world way the system in which you are facing; and Second, we communicate with you so that we can understand what you goals and concerns are and how we can reach those goals to get a positive result. Whether you are charged with serious violent crimes, breaking & entering, drug crimes, sexual assault and domestic violence, or issues relating to a crime taking place at work we are experienced to take on any situation with competence and confidence. We are ready to speak to you.
The more serious in nature start in various different ways. Clients often come to us when either law enforcement officers have started or are in the process of starting and investigation OR have already charged them with a crime and are looking representation. People who are charged with and/or being investigated for alleged felonies and misdemeanors all have certain basic rights that must be understood early on in the process and many times failure to understand those rights early enough only exacerbate the problems rather than solving them. Experienced criminal attorneys will guide you in determining what these rights are and whether law enforcement has violated any of those rights. Don’t be a person who could have taken the opportunity to seek legal counsel early on but didn’t, only to find themselves worse off after trying to deal with the state by themselves. On the same token, don’t think that it is too late to hire a lawyer by assuming that the state has all the evidence to convict you based ONLY on what they say. At any stage of the process competent legal counsel is essential in protecting your rights in court. It is not the state’s or law enforcement’s job to protect them for you!!! It is up to you to protect them and the first step is hiring an attorney to protect you and your family’s rights. Let us be there for you.
When charged with a crime or if you are about to be charged with a crime immediately certain issues become important. Clients frequently ask: Questions like will I go to jail? If I do what does it take to get out? Will I lose my job? How do I contact my family? If convicted will I go to prison or is there a possibility of probation or some other type of punishment? Can this charged be dismissed? Are there rehabilitation programs that can aid me? Will a conviction like this follow me or be on my record forever? Did I say too much or not enough?
Competent legal can answer many of these questions for you early in the process. Questions relating to bond, pretrial release, expungement (taking convictions off your permanent record), rehabilitation/drug &alcohol treatment, first offender programs are all things that we are trained in exploring zealously in representing you. The key to a successful legal defense is to know each client’s situation and to find a result that is best for them. It is not good lawyer work to guarantee results that you know will not come later. As is the case with anything in life, if it sounds too good to be true it likely is. Our goal is to provide you will sound concise legal representation is based in what can actually happen, not on what could happen on fantasy island. To that end, we speak to you straight forward in a way that is based on our experience practicing in Johnston County. We have a working knowledge in many instances of what the District Attorney and law enforcement in Johnston County are focused on at the time and the practices that are being instituted to investigate crime. We have maintained positive relationships with the District Attorney’s Office and local and state law enforcement which allows us to gain useful information for our clients which is essential providing a defense. Let us take what we know to work for you.